Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Price of Coersion

I, possibly foolishly, agreed to assume the role of "The Rapper Goat Cheese" when prevailed upon by my number 1 granddaughter who shall remain unnamed. That same granddaughter decided this morning that I am desperately in need of my very own blog. Thus, deaf to my protestations, and with the cooperation of my unruly daughters, she forged ahead with the creation of this very blog. What they have failed to discern is that it is not likely -- remember the "likely," as it may allow me to do a 180 in future -- that I have any information to impart to the online world at large which would be of any interest to anyone. Nevertheless, with the promise of the reward of a game of "Pitch," I have capitulated, and thus my family trials are exposed for all and sundry.

The Rapper Goat Cheese, alias Nana

1 comment:

  1. Goat Cheese, Goat Cheese, you are our hero. The world wants to hear what you have to say. We are all anxiously awaiting what perils of wisdom you will unveil next.
