Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blogging for Dummies

When you have totally run out of excuses for not adding a new post to your blog, and you finally decide to bite the bullet and go for it -- call your grandchild! That's what I was compelled to do. I had foolishly attempted to blog on my own. Mistake! I could not even figure out how to sign in. But ho, then cometh my #1 perfect granddaughter (also known as my granddoe, which term I copped from "Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer"). She put me on speakerphone while she effortlessly signed in for me. This granddoe of mine then provided me with very explicit directions on how to do it all on my own, just like a big girl would -- i. e., blogging for dummies. If you don't have grandchildren, you're out of luck -- unless you can find some to adopt!

One of my husband's favorite little stories is about how a father will say that no man is good enough for his daughter. However, once the grandchildren arrive, it's amazing how perfect they are. Somehow this guy that just could not cut it as a potential son-in-law suddenly is part of creating perfect grandchildren. Oh so true! Certainly, all 7 of ours are without fault. Each one is totally unique and infinitely precious to us. Sometimes we lie in bed and tell each other about the funny things our grandchildren have done. It does not matter how many times we have told each other the same stories, we always find them funny. My husband makes this hand motion (sometimes even during the sermon at church) where he pretends to be throwing something over his shoulder. INSTANTLY, I know he is reminding me about Kaleb's method of disposing of asparagus at the dinner table when he was not inclined to eat it. We both are certain that this was quite creative of him. There's a song we sing at church, and part of the words are something like this: ". . . sing with me." It's hard for me to actually sing this song out loud without laughing, because I remember the story of our youngest grandson singing the ABC song in the family vehicle, and no one was paying attention. His response was to sing the song loudly anyway, and then when he got to the end he said: "Next time won't you SHUT UP and sing with me." Our grandchildren have indeed given us much joy. Possibly in a future post I'll tell you about "the foot game," another cause for laughter.

If you have grandchildren, you are blessed! Enjoy them.

P. S.: This blog was supposed to be about my chicken noodle soup. I guess I got off track.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Price of Coersion

I, possibly foolishly, agreed to assume the role of "The Rapper Goat Cheese" when prevailed upon by my number 1 granddaughter who shall remain unnamed. That same granddaughter decided this morning that I am desperately in need of my very own blog. Thus, deaf to my protestations, and with the cooperation of my unruly daughters, she forged ahead with the creation of this very blog. What they have failed to discern is that it is not likely -- remember the "likely," as it may allow me to do a 180 in future -- that I have any information to impart to the online world at large which would be of any interest to anyone. Nevertheless, with the promise of the reward of a game of "Pitch," I have capitulated, and thus my family trials are exposed for all and sundry.

The Rapper Goat Cheese, alias Nana