Saturday, February 14, 2009

When is a Goat Cheese Nana not a Goat Cheese Nana?

When is a Goat Cheese Nana not a Goat Cheese Nana? It is possible such an event might occur when:
1. She has just spent $38.00 on line for goat cheese; and
2. She happens upon a website indicating that she may very well be lactose intolerant. (Da! Goat cheese has lactose! ) If true, Goat Cheese Nana may, perhaps, need a new "handle."

(Is she dating herself with the term "handle?")

Does anyone out there -- wherever "there" is -- have a suggestion? How does "Ear Cleaning Nana," or "Laundry Fixated Nana" sound? Wait, what about "Husband Nagging, Hands Wringing Nana?"

Guess what I found in my place at the table this morning? Answer: A red plastic heart-shaped container with M & M's and one Lindnor ball!!!! What did I do with them? I put them in a drawer containing an assortment of about 10-12 candy bars. Supposedly, out of sight is out of mind. With me, that's not true; but I do notice the longer I'm off chocolate, the less I crave it.

NOTE: This blog is for you, Outdoor Mom! I read your comment from yesterday. Unfortunately, I did not feel particularly inspired to blog, but I did make the old college try.